
Bild Ammit

Bild ammit
Bild Ammit
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Ammit - Unterrichtsmaterial - Bilder für Schule und Unterricht

Kategorie: Bild Alt Ägypten > Ammit

Bilder zum ausmalen, Malvorlagen, Ausmalbilder, Bild, Schule, Grundschule, Unterricht, Unterrichtsmaterial: Ammit

Schlüsselwörter: Ammit, ,

Image information

Ammit, an ancient Egyptian creature that devoured the souls of the condemned in the ancient Egyptian religion. Ammit is a hybrid of three fierce creatures that threatened Nile dwellers: the crocodile, the lion, and the hippo.

This file is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License
The author of this image is Wikipidia user Jeff Dahl.

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