
Bild Pharao

Bild pharao
Bild Pharao
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Pharao - Unterrichtsmaterial - Bilder für Schule und Unterricht

Kategorie: Bild Alt Ägypten > Pharao

Schlüsselwörter: Pharao, Ägypten, Geschichte, Mythologie, Götter,

Image information

<br>This file is licensed under the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Free_Documentation_License" target="_blank"> GNU Free Documentation License </a><br> The author of this image is Wikipidia user Jeff Dahl<br><br>-Pharaoh, the king of ancient Egypt, is often depicted wearing the nemes headdress and an ornate kilt. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings.<br>-Pharaoh wearing the blue crown.<br>-Pharaoh depicted with the double crown of upper and lower Egypt.

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